9 March, 2019

Month of Empowering

In the month of March, the church's focus is on "Empowering - Serving". We encourage every person in CiTiGATE Church to get involved in serving God and others.

13 February, 2019

Month of Belonging

In the month of February, the church's focus is on "Belonging." We encourage every person in CiTiGATE Church to think and practice acceptance, loving and belonging,

7 January, 2019

Kicking Off 2019

What are your resolutions for 2019?

Everyone loves new year. The chance for a new start, new opportunities, forgetting the old and starting afresh. What's not to love about New Year?

But setting the resolutions or goals for the new year can be quite daunting, at best they are often not well thought off.

All is not gloom, as Ps Michael shares from his personal lives on how he sets goals and resolutions year after year.

Be sure to listen to this new series sermons in coming weeks.

5 January, 2019

Happy New Year

CiTiGATE Church wishes you Happy New Year 2019.

A brand new year and it would be fair to say everyone looks forward to a better year, in everything!

So many areas and questions that we need to ask ourselves when it comes to how we want to start off well for this year.

Well, stay tuned as we journey together with the Lord, and we hope you will journey with the church as much as you have with the Lord personally.

24 December, 2018

Merry Christmas

CiTiGATE Church would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

May we all take this time of the year to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

God's desire in saving His people, redeeming us from our sins, was His plan right from the beginning.

Without the cross, we will be forever separated from God.

But it is through Christmas that God first came so close to us, so close that we can embrace Him and see Him.

Let us then remember that on Christmas, God came to be with us. He came, for us.

Merry Christmas.

1 December, 2018

Advent Season

Invite your friends and families to church as we come into the Advent season.

Ps Michael will be sharing evangelistic message in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

21 October, 2018

New Series: Finishing Well

Two months or so till the end of this year.

No matter how well or bad the start of this year may have been, it is important for us to finish well.

Follow us on this new series as Ps Michael takes us through on how to finish well.

29 July, 2018

Mobile App for CiTiGATE Church

Get CiTiGATE Church on Church Central Australia app for your mobile device now.

Add CiTiGATE Church to your favourite.

Available in iTunes and Google Play.

28 July, 2018

New Series on Relationship, Family and Marriage

Ps Michael began a mini series on relationship, family and marriage.

Come and find out today on what it means to be in a relationship, not defined by this world.
