
Living Fully Alive - In Being Blessed

24 February, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: Ephesians 1:4-13

God blesses us so we may live fully alive in Him.

But what is blessing? What is biblical definition of blessing?

Paul reminds us of the true blessings of God from Eph.1:4-13

- God has chosen us before the foundation of the world

- God has made us holy and without blame before Him in love

- God has adopted us as sons and daughters

- God has accepted us in the Beloved

- God has redeemed us with His blood

- God has forgiven our sins

- God has lavished on us wisdom

- God has made known to us the mystery of His will

- God has obtained for us an inheritance

- God has sealed us with His Holy Spirit


Living Fully Alive - In God's Blessings

17 February, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

God is a God of Blessings!

- There is power in blessing

- When God blesses us, He speaks to us with words

- When God blesses us, He reaches out to us with His loving touch that brings us healing

- When God blesses us, He attaches value and worth in us that makes us loved and accepted

- When God blesses us, He foresees a great future in us that gives us hope

- When God blesses us, He gives us His time, power and gifts to make sure we succeed


Living Fully Alive

10 February, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

The Glory of God is A Person Fully Alive.

1st Goal - Like Jesus, live fully alive for the glory of God

2nd Goal - Like Jesus, finish the work God gives us


Living the Truth

3 February, 2024 Ps Phill Boaretto

Scripture 1: John 18:17-18

Scripture 2: Timothy 3:7

Scripture 3: John 1:17

Scripture 4: 2 Peter 1:9

Scripture 5: John 14:6

Scripture 6: Genesis 2:16-17

Scripture 7: Genesis 3:2-3

Scripture 8: John 3:4-5

Scripture 9: John 8:31-32

Scripture 10: Romans 6:23


I am the True Vine

27 January, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 15:1-8

Jesus used figure of speech, allegories, and metaphors to help people understand the truth of who He is and what He is like as God.

Jesus used everyday objects like bread, light, door, shepherd, and now vine.

What do we know about who Jesus is when He said, ‘He is the true Vine’?

- As the True Vine, Jesus fulfills His role as the Chosen One from God

- As the True Vine, Jesus exemplifies His own intimate relationship with the Father

- As the True Vine, Jesus is mutually connected to us in producing good outcomes

How can we become fruitful and productive?

- We become fruitful when the Father prunes us

- We become fruitful when we let the Word of God clean and correct us

- We become fruitful when we abide in the Son

- We become fruitful when God answers our prayers if we abide in Christ and His word remains in us


I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

20 January, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 14:6

Jesus claimed that no one comes to the Father except through Him.

Many criticise and challenge this claim. But is Jesus' claim true?

With this question in mind, let's discover why Jesus claims to be the Way, the Truth and the Life.


I am the Resurrection and the Life

13 January, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 11:25

What can we expect when Jesus says he is the resurrection and the life?

- As the resurrection and the life, Jesus promises life not death for the glory of God

- As the resurrection and the life, Jesus inspires a life of faith

- As the resurrection and the life, Jesus declares He is God

- As the resurrection and the life, Jesus prevails over life and death


I am the Good Shepherd

6 January, 2024 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 10:11

Jesus wasn't just a shepherd, He is the Good Shepherd.

- As the Good Shepherd, Jesus lays down His life for us

- As the Good Shepherd, Jesus takes ownership to take care of our wellbeing and welfare

- As the Good Shepherd, Jesus personally and individually knows us

- As the Good Shepherd, Jesus invites and includes all people into His flock

- As the Good Shepherd, Jesus has authority over death and life


I am the Door

30 December, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 10:9

In the days of Jesus, religious leaders portrayed themselves as the entry point to God. But they were false leaders and hypocrites.

They cared more for themselves than the people. For this reason, Jesus presents Himself as the Door and:

- Jesus points to the truth that there are evildoers who rob us of God

- Jesus points to the truth that like shepherds, He comes openly, undisguised and without deception to lead and guide us

- Jesus points to the truth that He is the door for Israel

- Jesus points to the truth that He is the door where everyone is kept safe and given abundant life
