
Celebrating the Real Christmas

23 December, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: Luke 2:20

Christmas is:

- A celebration of God's perfect timing in history

- A celebration of the meekness of God of becoming human being in flesh

- A celebration of hearing, receiving, and responding to the good news of the coming of Jesus Christ

- A celebration of giving God all the praise, glory and worship


With God Nothing Is Impossible

16 December, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: Luke 1:26-37

What is life without hope or confidence? It's a life without meaning.

Hope is confidence in Christ.

Mary shows us that we can put our confidence in God who specialises in miracles and impossibilities.


I am the Light of the World

9 December, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 8:12

As the light of the world:

- Jesus clearly exposes the dark side of the soul

- Jesus clearly expresses Who we are to follow

- Jesus clearly promises life and liberty to all who follow Him

An invitation to let the light of Christ come into your life.


I am the Bread of Life

2 December, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: John 6:35

Why did Jesus make Himself knows as the Bread of Life?

- To draw our attention to Him as the authentic Source and Nourisher of our physical and spiritual needs

- To draw our attention to Him as God who came from heaven

- To draw our attention to Him as bread broken so we may eat, live and be full

So remember who Jesus is. He is the bread of life.



25 November, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Introduction to the series of the 7 Great I AM that Jesus said of Himself in the gospel of John.


Moses, "So Close Yet So Far"

18 November, 2023 Ps Michael Sim

Scripture: Deut.34:1-4

How did Moses feel after 40 years through the arid desert, leading 3-4 millions Israelites, standing at this mountain to see the Promised Land but unable to enter it?

Why did God banned Moses from entering the Promised Land?

- Moses' anger and disobedience

- Know that every act of obedience is an act of trusting and honouring God

- Remember that all glory belongs to God

- Understand that every discipline of God is embedded in His love, mercy and compassion


Life Lessons from Joseph

11 November, 2023 Ps Phill Boaretto

Scripture: Isaiah 55:8-9, Genesis

Lessons from the life of Joseph:

- God's ways are not our ways

- Suffering is a part of walking with God

- We must flee from sin

- Jealousy destroys

- God is with you in the midst of trial

- Forgiveness


Life Lessons from James

4 November, 2023 Ps Phill Boaretto

Scripture: book of James

Lessons from the book of James:

- How to take joy in times of trial

- How not to boast

- There is strength in humility

- The temptation to sin usually arises within us


Lessons from Ruth and Naomi

28 October, 2023 Kelly Boaretto

Scripture: book of Ruth
